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Publication |
1 |
Munusami, C., Zainudin, N., Govindan, S., & Md Yusop, H. (2023). Discrete choice experiment: household willingness to pay for wastewater treatment improvements. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol 8(3), pages 1-10. e2504-8562. |
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Munusami, C., Zainudin, N., Govindan, S. and Md Yusop, H. (2023). Household behavior towards wastewater treatment improvement in Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol 8(3), pages 1-13. e2504-8562. |
3 |
Siti Aishah Hussin, Santhi Govindan ,Chandramalar Munusami, Tanusia Arumugan (2023).International marketing to enhance jobsatisfaction and organisational performance among lecturers in Malaysianprivate universities, International Journal of Academic Research in Business& Social Sciences, vol13(6), pages 642-660. ISBN 2222-6990. |
4 |
Tan.M.Y., Govindan, S., Munusami, C., & Md Yusop, H. (2023). Determinants of Online Consumer Purchase Behavior among Young Working Adults during COVID-19 Pandemic in Metropolitan City: Implications in Post-Pandemic. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(3),e002186. |
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Nipa Das Gupta, Rajesvary Rajoo, and Patricia Jayshree Jacob (2023) Driver Drowsiness Detection System Through Facial Expression Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Malaysian Journal of Computing, 8 (1): 1375-1387, 2023. |
6 |
Shen, Y., Nor Nazeranah, O. D., Nurhafizah, Z., & Sujatha, B. (2023) Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Leadership Style, Flexibility and Technology Adoption to Perceived Success by Employees of Xpeng Motors, Guangzhou. International Journal of Behavioural Analytics, 15(2):87-96 |
7 |
NOR NAZERANAH (2023) Revolutionizing Higher Education:Enabling Global Dynamics Through Virtual Learning Environment. The Educator Press, 1(5) : 4-5 |
8 |
Ching Yong, S.C.S, Rui, T.R, Osman, M, Poh, W.S, Wai Ng, D.C (2023) Assessing the Factor Influencing Consumer Behaviour in E-Commerce Platforms, Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research 4 : 3723-3735 |
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Ching Yong, S.C.S, Rui, T.R, Osman, M, Poh, W.S, Wai Ng, D.C(2023) The Older, the Wiser? Investigating the Effect of CEO Age on the Bank Performance in Malaysia. Information Management and Business Review,15(3): 36-41 |
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Albert WY Leow (2023) Sustaining and preserving Malaysia’s local handicraft industry. International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management, 5(3): 28-32 |
11 |
Sujatha, B. (2023) Sustainable Education. The Educator Press, 1(4) |
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Sujatha, B. (2023) Lecturer or Scholar. Higher education Digest (Online) |
13 |
Sujatha, B. (2023) Child Depression and Mental Health: It is Real!. Eduphoria, ICERT 3(1) |
14 |
Evyan, Y. C., Lim, P.S., Patricia, J., Lau, K.S. (2023) Comparison of Nanocellulose Extracted from Cocos Nucifera, Saccharum Officinarum L. and Cymbopogon. Book of Proceedings of the 12th Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Conference (KLIAFP) 2023. 1(1) : 155-158 |
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Hazzila, A.S. & Izfa Riza, H.(2023) An Approach in measuring the sustainability towards ecosystem management in firefly ecotourism sites: A review. Book of Proceedings of the 12th Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Conference (KLIAFP) 2023. 1(1) : 163-167 |
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Siti Aishah Hussin, Santhi Govindan, Chandramalar Munusami, Tanusia Arumugam(2023). Internal Marketing to Enhance Job Satisfaction and Organisational Performance Among Lecturers in Malaysian Private Universities, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,13(6): 642-660 |
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Sun Yishu, Nurhafizah Zainal, Nor Nazerah Omar Din and Chandramalar Munusami (2023)Transformational Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: Effect of Psychological Empowerment. International Journal of Business and Economy,5(2): 81-97 |
18 |
Nor Nazeranah Omar Din, Nurhafizah Zainal and Sujatha Balakrishna (2023). Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction of Employees in the Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 5(2) : 112-125 |
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Jian Biao, Siti Aishah Hussin and Chandramalar Munusami (2023). Factors that Determine Workplace Flexibility at Government Offices in Henan, China. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal, 9(2): 22-32 |
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Amanina Razanah Nur Azam, Tanusia Arumugam (2023) A Study on Barriers to Women’s CareerAdvencement in Private Sector Companies in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Sciences and Humanities.8(7) |
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Zuo Xueyuan, Chandramalar Munusami , Hamidah Md Yusop and Santhi Govindan (2023) The Effect of Work Life Balance on Employee Behaviour in the Malaysian Hotel Industry. ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal,9(2):33-41 |
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Chandramalar Munusami, Norzalina Zainudin, Santhi Govindan, Hamidah Md Yusop and Shaliza Alwi (2023). Using Choice Experiment for Wastewater Treatment and Service Valuation in Selangor, Malaysia. Remittances Review 8(2): 634-648 |
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Nurhafizah Zainal,Nor Nazerah Omar , Chandramalar Munusami (2023) Relationship between human resource management practices and employee’s job performance in selected private Health care sector, Selangor, Malaysia. Human Resources Management and Services, 5(1): 1-10 |
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Prakash R, Hafez, A. (20230 Co-curriculum : What students Say. International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 5(3):12-18 |
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Shaikh Multazam Hasan Ali, Chandramalar Munusami, Hamidah Md Yusop and Siti Aishah Hussin (2023) The impact of retailer’s corporate social responsibility activities on customer loyalty at Negeri Sembilan. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities,7(2): 1-11 |
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Hong Chuazi, Nurhafizah Zainal, Sujatha Balakrishna, Nazeranah Oman Din (2023) Emotional intelligence and organizational performance among managers in manufacturing companies in Beijing, China. International Journal of Business and Economy, 5(3): 21-33 |
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Munusami, C., Zainudin, N., Govindan, S. and Md Yusop, H. (2023) Tingkah Laku Isi Rumah Terhadap Penambahbaikan Perkhidmatan Rawatan Air Sisa di Selangor, Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(3): 1-13 |
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Munusami, C., Zainudin, N., Govindan, S., & Md Yusop, H(2023) Kaedah Eksperimen Pilihan Diskret: Kesanggupan Membayar Isi Rumah Terhadap Penambahbaikan Perkhidmatan Rawatan Air Sisa. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(3) |
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Ching Yong, S.C.S, Rui, T.R, Osman, M, Poh, W.S, Wai Ng, D.C. (2023) Assessing the Factor Influencing Consumer Behaviour in E-Commerce Platforms. Applied Business and Education Research, 4(10):3725-3735 |
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Ching Yong, S.C.S, Rui, T.R, Osman, M, Poh, W.S, Wai Ng, D.C. (2023) The Relationship Between Digital Marketing Strategies and Firm Performance in Selected Hospitals In Beijing, China. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(11):2680- 2693 |
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Zhou Hangyang, Nor Nazeranah Binti Omar Din, Nurhafizah Binti Zainal, Sujatha Balakrishna (2023). The Influence of Human Resource Practices On Employee Satisfaction In The Selected Companies Of Information Technology Sector In Beijing, China. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(11): 2658-2672 |
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Hamidah Md Yusop, Ainul Azreen Adam, Chandramalar Munusami, Siti Aishah Hussin (2023). Exploratory Factor Analysis for Pro-Environmental Behaviour Among Employees of Development Financial Institutions in Malaysia, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(8): 1049-1065 |
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Nurhafizah Zainal, Nor Nazeranah Omar Din, Chandramalar Munusami (2023). Human resource management practices and employee’s job performance in selected private health care sector, Selangor, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(1): 33-44 |
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Siti Aishah, Mahazan, A.M (2023). Islamic leadership in building a supportive workplace culture to overcome discrimination of women in the workplace in Mahzan A.M Ahmad , R. (ed). The role of Islamic spirituality in the management and leadership process. IGI Global, Pennsylavania, page 38-65. |